12/12/22 We celebrated the end of the semester with our annual holiday party, this year at Yamas in Orono :) Teresa's zebra-cookies were a hit!

12/8/22 Tayo, Teresa, and Dr. Talbot wrap up the joint Bio336/504 course. This big experiment of teaching sophomores through graduates actually worked! Thanks for your excellent work Tayo and Teresa :) This course was an absolute treat.
12/1/22 James McKechnie joins team-MMP, working with Teresa.
11/18/22 Allie Myles interviews for a position and IMMEDIATELY volunteers to help with an experiment lasting all weekend. Way to hit the ground running Allie!
11/2/22 Sadie Waterman won a CUGR award for her research! Congratulations Sadie - you wrote a mighty impressive proposal!

10/22/22 The lab went out to a pumpkin patch to celebrate Fall :)
10/14/22 Ryn Harrington and Dr. Talbot attend (and present at) the first annual Maine Biomedical Conference in Portland Maine.
9/8/22 Dr. Talbot submits UMaine's 2022 Pew proposal.
8/30/22 Tayo Adekeye begins teaching Bio336 for his Hunter Fellowship, while Dr. Talbot teaches Bio504 and Teresa TAs. We began a whirlwind juggling act of teaching undergrads and grad students in one semi-split room. (note added later: It worked! It all worked!)
(Whew- got a little behind in updates; Sam's an infant and the semester is busy!)
8/6/22 We celebrated a very productive summer with a cookout at the Talbot home - it was wonderful to gather the crew and celebrate.

8/6/22 We bid farewell to Dmitrii Krivorotko who is heading to Boston University to begin a Master's program. On his way out, he wrote a glowing article about his time in the Talbot Lab, which you can read here.
8/5/22 Kailee Sprague caps her summer research with a 3-minute Thesis and poster presentation at MDIBL; she did an outstanding job this summer.
8/1/22 We have been awarded an R15 on the Distal Arthrogryposis project!!! Our first NIH grant :)
7/1/22 We bid farewell to Emily Tomak, who is moving to Colorado. Emily will continue her Masters via a distanced format. Emily, we will miss you - and I'm excited that you're keen to continue the work from afar.
6/22-26/22 The Talbot lab takes part in the International Zebrafish Conference - Tayo and I came in person, while Kailee joined via zoom. Wow, that was amazing. I felt embraced by the zebrafish community when I received the Chi-Bin Chien award, and absolutely loved the discussions that followed. Kailee gathered the whole lab gathered around for my talk. Tayo gave a wonderful poster, met colleagues, and made the whole experience so much fun. It was *amazing*.

6/1/22 Sean Eggermann begins his BioME summer internship
6/1/22 Kailee Sprague joins the lab for summer research through the INBRE program
5/15/22 We are proud to announce the birth of Samuel Talbot :)

5/14/22 Sara Loiselle begins work as a molecular pathologist at Nordex. Congratulations Sara!
5/7/22 We congratulate the three graduating Seniors from the Talbot Lab - Sara Loiselle, Sabrina Varga, and Dmitrii Krivorotko. You three are amazing and we will miss you. I wish you the very *best* as you leave the University.
5/2/22 The Talbot Lab gathers at Yamas to celebrate the end of an incredible academic year.
5/2/22 Mika Gallati is admitted into a Master's program at Brown University. Congratulations Mika!!!
4/29/22 Dmitrii Krivorotko defends his undergraduate thesis and receives Highest Honors! Congratulations Dmitrii!
4/28/22 Sabrina Varga defends her undergraduate thesis and receives High Honors. Congratulations Sabrina!
4/27/22 Dr. Talbot receives the university's "Graduate Faculty Mentor Award", after being selected by a committee of graduate students. Afterwards, my three grad students gave me a really nice card and a cute mug. I am so thankful for them, and am so flattered that they think highly of me. :)
4/8/22 Dr. Talbot is announced as this year's Chi-Bin Chien awardee by the International Zebrafish Society (IZFS). Wow, this is exciting! IZFS states: "The award recognizes outstanding graduate students, postdoctoral trainees, or recently appointed faculty members from any country who have made significant contributions to the field of zebrafish research and have exhibited the generosity and openness that characterized and motivated Chi-Bin Chien." I am utterly floored to be considered in the same light as Chi-Bin Chien.
You can read more about it, and how this award relates to ZebraShare, here. 3/30/22 Sean Eggermann is awarded a summer internship via BioME. Congratulations Sean!
3/27/22 We took our spring photo on a sunny day when most of the lab was here :)

2/16/22 *Congratulations* to Tayo Adekeye for receiving UMaine's prestigious Hunter Fellowship! 2/14/22 Jan Wusik begins a GSBSE rotation in the Talbot Lab :)
2/11/22 Carolina Cora wraps up her Talbot Lab rotation - she gave an excellent lab meeting this week and ended the week on a high note with some new cell tracking.
2/3/22 Big news! The University of Maine is recategorized as a "Research 1" University, which is highest tier of research in the Carnegie Classification.
2/1/22 The Six1-Cancer story is published. We had long known that Six1 promotes tumor progression, and in this new story, Jessica Hsu (lab of Heide Ford and Kristin Artinger) demonstrates a mechanism for how the gene can promote both progenitor identity and fiber differentiation - leading to potential differentiation approaches to treat cancer down the road. I was happy to play a small role in this story, which I think will be foundational to future work. You can read our open-access paper here 1/14/22 Dr. Talbot is admitted to the newest class of CUGR faculty fellows
1/13/22 Our ZebraShare paper is listed among the top-read Developmental Biology papers in PeerJ for 2021. Check it out here
1/7/22 Sophie Craig presents at lab meeting about the new phenotypes she was able to discover during her 8-week rotation. Great work Sophie :)
1/3/22 Lights on for a new year in the Talbot Lab. Though, I think Tayo never actually left. Happy New Year!