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12/16/21 We celebrated the holidays at the Orono Brewing Company. I think this will become a new tradition :)

12/9/21 We wrapped up another term of Bio336 this week. Students gave excellent final presentations; the pre-post test comparison showed that you learned a *ton* this semester. It was fun to work with you all.

11/30/21 The Six1-Cancer connection story is accepted in Cell Reports!!! I'll post a link as soon as one goes live :)

11/15/21 GSBSE student Carolina Cora begins a rotation in the Talbot Lab; looking forward to working with you.

11/8/21 Dr. Talbot presents a virtual seminar at Valparaiso University

11/5/21 Most of the Talbot Lab gathers for our annual fall photo :)

11/1/21 Sophie Craig begins a whirlwind 8-week rotation. Welcome, Sophie :)

10/28/21 Sabrina Varga receives a competitive INBRE fellowship for her thesis project. Congratulations Sabrina!

10/13/21 Willow Throckmorton-Hansford gains early admission to the Tufts early assurance med school program. She will be stepping away from the lab to focus on her studies in preparation for this program. Congratulations Willow, and good luck!

10/3/21 Jared Austin finishes his time as a labtech and moves on to begin work as an EMT at Norther Lights Hospital. We will miss you Jared, and wish you the best in your medical career :)

10/8/21 and 10/18/21 Tayo Adekeye presents a project update to the Talbot lab, and then at a joint meeting with the Henry lab.

10/1/21 Emily Tomak presents her first lab meeting - off to a great start.

9/20/21 Tayo Adekeye becomes the proud papa of his newborn son, Daniel.

9/10/21 We had a mingler with four muscle research labs on campus. It felt great to talk to so many local colleagues

8/31/21 The Talbot lab submitted our latest proposal to Pew. Fingers crossed!

8/30/21 Welcome to the start of a Fall 2021! This is my first time teaching in a fully "in person" semester

8/30/21 Teresa Easterbrooks officially joins the lab as our newest Masters student

8/9/21 Congratulations to Mika Gallati for her new position as a lab tech in the Hart lab at Brown University :)

7/16/21 The Talbot and Tilbury labs receive an Institute of Medicine grant for a collaborative project. Much celebration ensued. Read more about it here.

7/14/21 Alicia Ebert's lab demonstrated that crk and crkl are needed for reliable eye development; Dr. Talbot is a co-author on this because he contributed some mutants and was engaged with the writing/review process. Our story is was accepted for publication today! Check out our paper here.

6/23/21 We submitted our first major grant today- an R15!

6/16-22/21 Dr. Talbot, Emily, and Tayo attend the 16th Annual International Zebrafish Society Meeting. Sara attends "Microbes and Social Equity"

The Talbot lab, Summer 2021:

6/4/21 The Talbot lab enjoys a summer kickoff BBQ.

6/1/21 Emily Tomak begins her Master's project on muscle physiology. We are so excited that you will be staying in the lab, and look forward to seeing your story unfold.

5/15/21 We submitted a small internal grant to let us explore new techniques in muscle imaging. Finger's crossed!

5/11/21 Dr. Talbot is named UMaine's 2021 nominee for a Pew Biomedical Fellowship! Wish me luck in the national competition.

5/7/21 We celebrate the end of finals at UMaine, and I celebrate my first full year of teaching. Three courses taught, one pandemic endured, and one lab built.

CONGRATULATIONS to our three graduates: Kaitlyn Bear, Emily Tomak, and Jared Austin

4/30/21 Jared Austin presents his Capstone project at a joint lab meeting with the Henry lab. Fantastic job Jared!

4/23/21 Kaitlyn Bear presents her Capstone project at a joint lab meeting with the Henry lab. Nice work Kaitlyn!

4/13/21 The ZebraShare paper is published! Check it out here.

4/9/21 SBE hosts Carl Zimmer for a talk on 'A Planet of Viruses'. Our lab had fun hyping this one up in advance of his arrival - and he gave a very engaging talk.

4/2/21 This week, FOUR students gave Dr. Talbot results from their four projects that were SO EXCITING that he happy danced. Kudos to Tayo Adekeye, Sadie Waterman, Jared Austin, and Kaitlyn Bear for getting outstanding results all in one week.

4/2/21 Tayo Adekeye presents his first lab meeting; nice work Tayo :)

3/27/21 The Talbot lab has a socially-distanced Life Aquatic watch party.

3/16/21 Sara Loiselle receives a summer fellowship from the Center for UnderGraduate Research. Congratulations Sara!

3/12/21 Sara Loiselle presents on her recently submitted CUGR proposal

3/12/21 Dr. Talbot hosts Gerald Downes for an SBE seminar: "From Swimming to Seizures: Investigating Locomotor Behavior and Epilepsy in Developing Zebrafish"

2/26/21 Sabrina Varga presents on her image-analysis project :)

2/23/21 Dr. Talbot presents to the Zebrafish Disease Models Society: "Rapid muscle loss in a zebrafish model of distal arthrogryposis"

2/19/21 Brady-bunch photo of the Talbot lab, since we can only gather via zoom:

2/12/21 Sadie Waterman presents an excellent journal club on T-Tubules. Thanks Sadie!

2/2/21 The ZebraShare manuscript has been accepted! You can find this open-access paper here.

2/1/21 Emily Tomak officially signs on for a Masters project that will begin this summer!

1/25/21 Matt Akers takes a job at Aspen Dental - Congratulations Matt!

1/25/21 Dr. Talbot begins a new term of Bio450 - this time, with an in-person lab.

1/25/21 Jared Austin and Kaitlyn Bear begin their Capstone term.

1/18/21 Tayo Adekeye arrives in Orono to begin his Ph.D. in the Talbot lab. Welcome, Tayo!

1/4/21 Research begins for a new year. Dr. Talbot and Jared Austin brighten the doors and begin experiments with new mutants :)

12/7/20 - Jared wraps up Bio336; it was a joy to teach developmental biology for the first time.

11/2/20 - Sabrina Varga wins a competitive CUGR award for research using artificial intelligence. Way to go Sabrina!

10/23/20 - The Talbot lab gathered for a short walk today :) We enjoyed the UMaine garden and the chance to get together for the first time post-pandemic.

10/16/20 - Lisa Maves, hosted by the Talbot Lab, presents on the potential for epigenetic modifier drugs in treating Duchenne muscular dystrophy at the SBE seminar series - thank you for your exciting presentation Lisa!

10/9/20 - April Delaurier, hosted by the Talbot Lab presents on Hdacs in craniofacial development at the SBE seminar series- an inspiring talk, thank you April :)

10/9/20 - Matt Akers presents on his summer research at lab meeting

10/2/20 - Sara Loiselle presents on her summer research at lab meeting

9/25/20 - Jared's presentation kicks off the year's UMaine Medicine seminar series

9/28/20 - The Talbot lab begins work in our new and much larger space, 301-307 Hitchner hall :)

A picture of 301 Hitchner Hall

9/18/20 - Bio336 is featured in a UMaine News article: "Developmental Biology students choose their own adventure" Read it here.

9/18/20 - Gage Crump, hosted by the Talbot lab, gives an excellent SBE seminar. Thanks for sharing your story, Gage.

9/1/20 - Jared's first day teaching Bio336 (developmental biology) - so excited for the new academic year!

8/31/20 - Jared submits the ZebraShare paper for peer review

8/18/20 - Mika Gallati accepts a position as laboratory technician with Christopher Reid's research group, an NSF-funded lab at Bryant University

7/28/20 - The university writes a news article about our MYLPF/mylpfa story - find it here.

7/23/20 - Our MYLPF/mylpfa story is published! In this story, we collaborated with clinicians Jessica Chong and Michael Bamshad who found MYLPF lesions in patients with distal arthrogryposis. We then used zebrafish mylpfa mutants to to answer questions about how the disease arises. You can find the paper here You can also find our bioRxiv pre-print here.

7/10-15/20 - Jared, Sara, and Matt attend the 76th Annual Society for Developmental Biology meeting online. The science was as sharp online as it would be in person :)

7/10/20 - Bri Romano accepts a job at Abbott Laboratories, where she will help manufacture COVID-19 tests. Congratulations, Bri !!!

7/5/20 - Our MYLPF manuscript has been accepted!

6/22-24/20 - School of Biology and Ecology retreat

6/15/20 - Welcome to new undergraduate researcher, Matt Akers!

6/9/20 - Mika's snu13a;snu13b phenotypes are publicized using ZebraShare. One of the first ZebraShare submissions. Check it out here.

6/5/20 - lab meetings resume after the histology course ends; Jared leads a conversation on return-to-work and summer plans.

5/11-29/20 - Jared teaches Bio450, Histology for the first time. First time as a professor for a course, during COVID, distance learning, lab-intensive, writing-intensive course. It was incredible!

5/8/20 - Bri Romano and Mary Cala graduate from UMaine!!! Congratulations to you both!!!

5/1/20 - Bri Romano presents the initial results of the small molecule screen in lab meeting

4/24/20 - Mary Cala presents on her limb-shift project in lab meeting

4/24/20 - Jared is a poster judge for MBMSS while also attending TAGC and hosting lab meeting. Phew- what a day.

4/22-25/20 - Jared and Sara attend The Allied Genetics Conference (TAGC) 2020

4/17/20 - Freshman student Sadie Waterman presents a journal club on muscle migration in lab meeting; first of a series of three undergraduate presentations :)

4/3/20 - Our second zoom-based lab meeting. Jared presents a journal club about small molecule screening.

3/27/20 - Our first zoom lab meeting. Jared gives an overview of researching from home.

3/15/20 - Students are sent home due to COVID-19. We wish them safety and good studies from their homes.

3/10/20 - The fusion manuscript is now available online; access it here.

3/9/20 - Mika presents the Snu project in a joint meeting between Talbot and Henry labs.

3/6/20 - Talbot lab interviews a PhD student.

3/3/20 - The muscle fusion paper was accepted; two papers in a week!

2/25/20 - The fras1 variation paper is accepted; the first since beginning the new lab! You can access it here.

2/17/20 - Teresa does a fantastic presentation on her rotation project!

2/10/20 - We welcome THREE new student researchers: Sara Loiselle, Kaitlyn Bear and Sabrina Varga.

2/10/20 - Jared presents a seminar for the BMMB department at UMaine.

2/8/20 - The small molecule screen begins!

2/8/20 - Jared and Teresa take part in the Inaugural Maine Zebrafish Symposium, Bates College.

2/2/20 - Lab outing to Bangor Escape Room!

1/27/20 - Jared is nominated for the Chi-Bin Chien International Zebrafish Society.

1/21/20 - With Amos Cline's help, we set up a room for our new fluorescent microscope.

1/13/20 - Mika Gallati comes back to the lab as our new lab tech.

12/20/19 - Mika completes her undergraduate degree. Congratulations! 12/12/19 - Lab Holiday party; everyone makes sarcomeres as Christmas ornaments.

12/12/19 - Our IBC protocol is approved! We can now work with recombinant DNA. 11/20/19 - Our first rotations student, Teresa Easterbrooks, begins work in the lab 11/14/19 - Marianthi Cala gives a presentation on zebrafish databases. 11/12/19 - We welcome our new undergraduate researcher Mika Gallati! 11/12/19 - We receive IACUC approval for our proposed research! 11/8/19- Brianne Romano is the first student to present at our lab meeting! 10/31/19 - Jared presents at Maine Zebrafish Symposium, MDIBL. 10/17/19 - First lab meeting & celebration of lab opening. 10/15/19 - We welcome a new undergraduate researcher Marianthi Cala! 10/15/19 - 294 Hitchner lab rennovations are completed; the move-in begins! 10/11/19 - We collected our first clutch of fish embryos! 10/8/19 - We welcome a new undergraduate researcher Brianne Romano! 10/3/19 - 294 Hitchner is vacated and preparation begins for our move-in 9/4/19 - After years of preparation, ZebraShare launches on ZFIN. Check it out:

9/1/19 – Welcome also to our new Top Scholar student, Sadie Waterman! 9/1/19 – Jared’s first official day at UMaine! 8/21-8/22/19 – New faculty orientation at UMaine!

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